Helping Seniors Cope With Stress


For seniors, living in a constantly changing world can be overwhelming and confusing. We live in a world of technological advancements, and societal and political situations that can cause fear and anxiety in anyone. The world isn’t what it once was and it can be difficult for seniors to adapt to the changes taking place. Having a health condition can be difficult for seniors as well, especially if they have a physical disability like arthritis that causes them pain and discomfort. If you are a caregiver, it is important that you create an atmosphere that is stress-free and relaxing for the senior in your life.

Seniors spent their entire life taking care of others. Retirement is their time to rest and reap the benefits that years of hard work earned them. Make sure that the senior in your life is living in conditions that bring them safety and security. Help relieve the stresses in their life.

For some seniors not working or staying active can be stressful in itself. Not being able to do the things they once enjoyed, and even losing their life partner can be emotionally crippling for some. You can help add a little sunshine to their life. Let’s explore some practical ways.


Ways to reduce stress

Own an animal If a senior doesn’t have allergy issues, having a pet might help cope with stress, anxiety and depression. Studies have shown that owning a pet can help seniors cope with stress, lower blood pressure, increase social interaction and even help them learn. Cats are known for their soothing and relaxing qualities.

Take a nice walk Some seniors are limited in their mobility. Having a walker may help make walking easier if they are physically disabled or in a wheelchair. Take them out for a stroll. Take a walk through a forest if you can. In Japan, there is a common practice called forest bathing that is said to be a stress reliever. Walking through nature is healing. It also helps fight anxiety and disease.

Avoid negativity If you are caring for a senior, try to avoid adding any stress to them. Turn the TV off every once in awhile and take them outside. Plan fun activities that will allow them the opportunity to engage and interact with other seniors in a positive setting. If the senior you watch is living alone or in a retirement home, help them stay active. If there are community events like an ice cream social or a game of bingo, sign them up for it. Some buildings may even offer free exercise programs. Keeping in mind any physical limitations, make sure to use sensitivity and understanding. Some seniors aren’t as comfortable in social gatherings. Don’t push them too hard. Be patience and understanding.

Vitamin Intake The older one gets the more the bones weaken. Seniors who are dealing with osteoporosis and arthritis are under much pain and stress. Vitamin C and D are boosters that help regulate calcium levels and fight fatigue and depression.


Have a nice conversation over coffee

Often the best stress-reliever for most seniors is a quiet and stress-free environment. Play classical music or songs that they enjoy. Sit down with them, have a cup of joe and enjoy a nice and healthy conversation. Who doesn’t enjoy a good story? Seniors have a lifetime of stories to tell, and like anyone, they appreciate someone taking the time to listen. Have some fun and enjoy a good laugh while you’re at it! Laughter is after all medicine.

Posted on: July 26, 2016, by : admin

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