Welcome To Elderly Safety
We're Always Looking Out For The Well-being Of Seniors
A Safety Issue: Substance Abuse in the Elderly
Have you become concerned about an elderly loved one’s dependence on a prescription drug or you notice that he or she drinks more than usual? Starting and having a conversation about substance use is often difficult, but when it comes to the safety and well-being of your elderly loved one,…
Easy Safety Measures around the Home
You don’t have to drill a thousand holes and spend a fortune to keep your elderly parent or loved one safe, notes Elderly Safety. In fact, it may be as simple as a good, solid push. On a suction cup grab bar, for example, available from some online retailers…
Travel Safely Past 65
When we are young, travel is a lark. Slip on the Reboks, pack a toothbrush and underwear, and hit the open road with a cellphone and the kind of energy and agility that feels like it will last a lifetime. Past 65, when the energy and agility have faded –…
Living Alone: Fall Prevention in the Home
The Baby Boomer generation is living longer than previous generations and according to the latest data released from the Administration on Aging, nearly 30% of older adults live alone. While many elders take pride in their continued independence, they may be more prone to suffering injuries while living alone. Elders…
Helping Seniors Cope With Stress
For seniors, living in a constantly changing world can be overwhelming and confusing. We live in a world of technological advancements, and societal and political situations that can cause fear and anxiety in anyone. The world isn’t what it once was and it can be difficult for seniors to adapt…
Staying Active as a Senior: What to Do & How to Do It
What can you do to improve your mood, manage stress, remain cognitively agile, and improve your overall health? No matter what age you are, physical activity is crucial for your mental and physical wellbeing. If you’re hoping to have more energy even as you get older, exercise is a great…
Safe International Traveling for Seniors
International travel during your golden years can be one of the best adventures of your lifetime. Unlike traveling decades earlier, you don’t need to worry about using vacation time or returning to work after a relaxing getaway. Given the time and money involved in international travel, maybe you never had…
Medication Safety Tips for Seniors
For many seniors, taking medications becomes part of daily life in order to manage certain health conditions that often come with getting older. While some seniors may view being prescribed a drug as a negative thing, many medications can help extend one’s life and improve overall health. Whether you’ve been…
Active Senior Tips
Whatever your age, it’s never too late to get active. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), inactivity increases with age and the loss of strength and stamina, often attributed to aging, is partly due to reduced activity. The CDC reports that by age 75, about 1…
Prevention: Accidents in Seniors
We grow up and we move out, leaving our parents to spend the rest of their lives alone. From time to time, we may surprise them with a visit, a nice chat and maybe a lunch or two. But what’s going on with them when there’s no one to take…